Lectures on Ismaili Tariqah of Islam in Urdu

Lectures on Ismaili Tariqah of Islam in Urdu

Urdu Lectures on Shia Imami Ismaili Tariqah of Islam (Shia Imami Ismailis and Ismaili Imamat).

1. Reply to Anti Ismaili Troll About Ismaili Muslim Beliefs, Prophet and Imam (Aga Khan)'s Physical Life and Spiritual Status.

A Wisdom and Peace Full Reply to Anti Ismaili Troll by Ali Attaee About Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims Faith / Ismaili Beliefs, Prophet & Imam (Shah Karim al-Husayni (s.a), Aga Khan)'s Physical Life and Spiritual Status in Urdu/Hindi. Every Thing is Clear from Lecture (ismaili waez) for People of Intellect, May God Give Guidance to Those Who Just for Increasing Quantity of People in Their Sect Speaks lie, Spread Rumors and Hate Speeches About a Peaceful Tariqah of Islam.

2. Shirk Ka Poshida Pehlu, Ismaili Lecture on Quranic Concept and Hidden aspect of Shirk (Polytheism, شرک)

Ismaili Lecture (Ismaili Urdu Waez) on Quranic Concept and Hidden aspect of Shirk
Shirk Kya Hai? Shirk Kaise Hota Hai? Aur Shirk Kes Ke Sath Ho Sakhta Hai (Zaat e Subhaan ya Mazhar e Zaat e Subhaan)? Shirk Ke Poshida Pehlu (شرک کے پوشیدہ پہلو) Ke Barai Mai Aik Pur Hikmat Bayan.

3. Shia Ismaili Islam Mein But Parasti (idolatry, بت پرستی) Ki Tawil

Shia Ismaili Islam Mein But Parasti (idolatry, worship of idols, بت پرستی) Ki Tawil. Extract From an Urdu Lecture of Dr. Faquir Muhammad Hunzai.

4. Ismaili Tariqah Mein Pillars of Islam  Ki Tawil Py aik Mukhtasar Bayan

A Short Urdu Lecture on Tawil of Pillars of Islam in Ismaili Tariqah of Islam. (Ismaili Tariqah Mein Pillars Of Islam Ki Tawil Pe Aik Mukhtasar Bayan)

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